Places to Visit When You Work from Anywhere
Memorial Day is around the corner. This holiday is to remember the people who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. This three-day weekend is an opportunity to be with loved ones and help commemorate the sacrifice of others. If you choose to take this time to travel to be with friends or family, the option to get “off-the-grid” is there. If you haven’t made plans yet, this might be the time to get started. Don’t allow work pressure to get in your way to be with the ones you care for the most. Here are a few places you can enjoy visiting while you work from anywhere.
Places You Can Work From Anywhere:
Your Grandparent’s House.
Hopefully, your grandparent’s are hip enough to have Wi-Fi installed in their home. If so, you can connect to the Internet when you go back to Grandma’s house, and be perfectly comfortable and content while perfecting the art of remote work.
Your Parent’s House.
Don’t use work as an excuse not to see your folks. Thanks to the progression of technology, you can commit to visiting them in person, rather than relying on those painfully long Skype dates. Where there’s Internet, there’s a way!
Your Friend’s House.
Maybe you’re closer to friends rather than family. Never fear, the opportunity to see them is here! Just make sure you’re still productive and professional – it is crucial that your company is still able to rely on you, no matter where you go.
A Different Country.
If you’re on the search for a more intimate holiday, feel free to take your work overseas. Never let the fear of work keep you from experiencing the world! There are software tools and applications that now make traveling a more-realistic option than ever before. Go ahead and jot down some of these helpful ideas on how to work remotely while traveling: 9 Essential Tools For Working Remotely While Traveling.
You Can Even Work From Anywhere on a Stay-cation.
Maybe you want to stay closer to home, yet still have some fun and exciting stories to tell your co-workers when you head back to work on Tuesday. This article offers 20 great getaways that offer anyone and everyone something they can look forward to while traveling within the borders of our own country: 20 of the Best Memorial Day Weekend Getaways.
While you set your plans to see your loved ones, we would love to help you install remote desktop solutions. We can help you with any of your IT solutions. Feel free to call today and find out how!